I finde myself greatly obliged to mr. Turner2, first by the many offices of a true frende which hee hath rendred unto mee, and againe for that hee hath beene pleasd to make known unto you the most sincere affection which I have not only for the libertie of the prince elector3, but also for the restitution of his electorall Highness4 and of his whole house in all that belongs to it. I have not faild to confer of this business with my lord of Leicester5 and to write into Sweden all that passeth heere upon this subiect and all that is to bee considerd therupon, not doubting but that the Queene of Sweden6 as most affectionate to this electorall house will send mee such orders as I desire for to bee able to act with so much the more authoritie.
Already I know that the queene of Sweden did much desire that his electorall Highnes as the first of the secular princes of Germanie, should have had the command of this armie which was vowed to the good and service of Germanie and that her Ma.tie of Sweden hath beene little satisfied in that the treatie between France and the directors7 hath passd without any the participation of her resident8 in those quarters.
You have obligd mee many wayes, but of all your kindnesses there is not any which I esteeme more then the good testimonies you render mee so liberally towards my lord-archbishop9 whose most humble servant and admirer I shall all of my live long bee.
I will labour by deeds rather than by words to mainteine the good reports you
have given of mee. I will not enlarge myself any farther, seeing that mr. Turner, with whom I communicate in all manner of freedome, will tell you very well and faithfully all that I can write. It remaineth onely that I pray god etc. to pray to god that it will please him to keep in his fatherly and most favourable protection you with your lady and whole house, in praying for which I beleive I doe a good service to his Ma.tie of Great Britanie10 and remaine,Your most humble and most obedient servant
H. de Groot.
Paris 12/22 decemb. 1639.
Op de brief staat: Copie of mr. Grotius letter unto mee, translated into English.